GUI Mini Conferences (2013)

Bullying in Children and their Health

On Wednesday 11th September 2013, the Growing Up in Ireland Study Team held a conference on “Bullying in Children and their Health”. A copy of the presentations delivered at the conference are available to download below.

International Picture of Bullying and Health – Dr. Michal Molcho, NUI Galway (click here to view)

Bullying and Chronic Disease – Prof. Tom O’Dowd, Trinity College Dublin (click here to view)

Emotionand and Behaviour Difficulties and Bullying – Dr. Udo Reulbach, UCD (click here to view)

Weight, Body Image and Bullying – Dr. Elizabeth Nixon, Trinity College Dublin (click here to view)

Bullying and Healthcare Use – Prof. Catherine Hayes, Trinity College Dublin (click here to view)


Children’s Engagement in Education

Growing Up in Ireland conference on Children’s Engagement in Education was held on Wednesday 8th May 2013. The programme for the conference can be now be downloaded. (click here to view)

Speakers and Presentations

The keynote speaker was Professor Pamela Sammons, Professor of Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford.

The keynote address on Exploring the influence of home, family, preschool and school influences on students’ academic and social-behavioural development, dispositions and engagement with school: an overview of findings from EPPSE 3-14 research in England is available to download. (click here to view)

A total of 5 papers were presented at the conference on policy relevant issues around children.


Informing Policy through Research and Evidence: Learning’s from the Prevention and Early Intervention Initiative and Growing Up in Ireland

On Monday September 30th, Growing Up In Ireland and the Centre for Effective Services held a roundtable discussion on “Informing Policy through Research and Evidence: Learning’s from the Prevention and Early Intervention Initiative and Growing Up in Ireland

The purpose of this specialized event was to consider the collective data from these two sources, specifically on what is known about parenting and children’s learning. It was opened by Minister Frances Fitzgerald, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and aimed to enhance and develop the dialogue between research output and practice with a view to influencing policy as well as the design and delivery of child and family services in Ireland.

By bringing researchers, policy makers and practitioners together, the discussion allowed attendees to consider the implications of this collective learning in the context of future policy and service developments. Held under Chatham House Rules, the Roundtable consisted of a mix of plenary contributions, panel and facilitated discussion.

A programme for the event is available to download here.

The presentations from the symposium are also available for download:

Knowledge to action – models of evidence-informed policy making – Pete Lunn, ESRI (click here to view)

Parenting – what do we know – James Williams (GUI) and Stella Owens (CES) (click here to view)

Children’s Learning – what do we know – Helga Sneddon (CES) and Mark Morgan (GUI) (click here to view)