External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors ↑ Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Coughlan, B., Doherty, E., O'Neill, C., McGuire, B.E.2014Minority Status, Social Welfare Status and their Association with Child Participation in Sporting, Cultural and Community ActivitiesOpenEconomic and Social Review
Coughlan, S., Quigley, J., Nixon, E.2023Preterm birth and expressive language development across the first 5 years of life: A nationally-representative longitudinal path analysisOpenEarly Childhood Research Quarterly
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A.2017Weight status and dental problems in early childhood: Classifcation tree analysis of a national cohortOpenDentistry Journal
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A.2020Estimation and consumption pattern for free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool childrenOpenEuropean Journal of Nutrition
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., McNulty, B.A. Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A.2018Data Mapping From Food Diaries to Augment the Amount and Frequency of Food Measured Using Short Food QuestionnairesOpenFrontiers in Nutrition
Crowe, M., O’Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O’Sullivan, A.2020Estimation and consumption pattern of free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool childrenOpenEuropean Journal of Nutrition volume
Crowe, M., Sullivan, A., McGrath, C., Cassetti, O., Swords, L., O'Sullivan, M.2017Early Childhoof Dental Problems: Classification Tree AnalysesOpenJDR Clinical and Translational Research
Cullinan J., Gillespie P.2016Does Overweight and Obesity Impact on Self-Rated Health? Evidence Using Instrumental Variables ordered probit ModelsOpenHealth Economics
Cullinan, J., Roddy, A.2015A Socioeconomic Profile of Childhood DisabilityOpenThe Economics of Disability
Culloty, A.M., O'Toole, C., Gibbon, F.E.2019Longitudinal Study of Expressive Language and Speech of Twins at 3 and 5 years: Outgrowing a Twinning EffectOpenJournal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
D'Urso, G., Symonds, J.2022Developmental Cascades of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Infancy to Middle Childhood: Longitudinal Associations with Bullying and VictimizationOpenJournal of School Violence
D'Urso, G., Symonds, J., Pace, U.2020Positive Youth Development and Being Bullied in Early Adolescence: A Sociocultural Analysis of National Cohort DataOpenThe Journal of Early Adolescence
D’Urso, G., Caravita, S.C., Symonds, J.2024Bullying Victimization as an Adverse Experience for Psychosocial Adjustment among Irish AdolescentsOpenInternational Journal of Bullying Prevention
Dahlgren, J., Healy, S., MacDonald, M., Geldhof, J., Palmiere, K., Haegele, J.A.2021Physical activity and screen time among youth with autism: A longitudinal analysis from 9 to 18 yearsOpenAutism
Darmody, M., Daly, T.2017Attitudes towards the Irish Language on the Island of IrelandOpenForas na Gaeilge
Darmody, M., McGinnity, F., Kingston, G.2016The Experiences of Migrant Children in IrelandOpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
Darmody, M., Smyth, E.2016Primary School Principals' Job Satisfaction and Occupational StressOpenInternational Journal of Educational Management
Darmody, M., Smyth, E.2017Profile of second-level students exempt from studying IrishOpenESRI Working Paper No.527
Darmody, M., Smyth, E., McCoy, S.2012School Sector Variation among Primary Schools in Ireland.OpenESRI / Educate Together
de Gracia, P., Bohnert, M., Celik, S.2023Digital inequalities and adolescent mental health: the role of socioeconomic background, gender, and national contextOpenResearch Handbook on Digital Sociology